Hello and welcome
Experience the Dialog program: Student exchanges, travel, and language learning.
Embark on a personalized journey with Dialog, where we specialize in tailor-made student exchanges, group travel adventures, and private tours throughout Israel and Germany. Immerse yourself in language and culture with our Hebrew and German lessons, alongside expert simultaneous and consecutive translations in Hebrew, German, and English.
Discover Israel and Germany firsthand through personal exchanges, guided tours, and meaningful encounters with locals. Exchange ideas, share knowledge, and delve into the rich tapestry of culture, life, politics, and history through dialogues, meetings, and exchanges with both Israelis and Germans.
Let Dialog be your gateway to unforgettable experiences, language learning, and cross-cultural connections.
Dialog - student exchanges, travel, languages
There is nothing longer lasting and more sustainable than personal encounters, dialogues with one another based on readiness to get to know each other, on mutual respect, on openess to experience other people, cultures, history and landscapes without prejudice. Taking part in such exchanges, travels and tours can lead to lasting friendships and can profoundly influence your way of life..
"I have to say it again and again: I have no teaching. I only show something. I show reality, I show something about reality that has not been seen or has been seen too little. I take the person listening to me by the hand and lead them to the window. I push open the window and point out. I don't have a lesson, but I have a dialogue."
As said by Martin Buber, the Jewish philosopher and translator of the Tanach, the Jewish Bible, the Old Testament.
And this is the task that Dialog has put before itself: To prompt dialogues, encounters, exchanges and meetings where different people get to know each other, have a conversation, a dialogue, an exchange, learn from one another, work and create together.
We are always looking for new and exciting ideas as well as eager participants. Let's connect.